How to change the type (speed) of disks in the virtual machine?


To change the type of disks used by the virtual machine:

1. Select "Virtual Machines" in the Cloud Control Panel and press "DETAILS" on the desired virtual machine.



2. In the properties of the virtual machine, on the "General" tab, find "Storage Policy". In the "Storage Policy" drop-down menu, you can select the desired disk type.

At the moment there are 2 types of disks:

- vcd-type-med - which corresponds to SAS disks.

- vcd-type-ssd - which corresponds to SSD disks.

It is possible that only one disk type is available, for example you can only select "vcd-type-med". In such a case, contact technical support and they will add additional storages of another type to your virtual data center.

After clicking "OK" the disk type will change and the migration of the virtual machine to the new storage will start, with no impact on the performance of the machine. There is no need to switch off or suspend the virtual machine, as the migration is performed in the "live mode".



3. If you have more than one disk in your machine, you can place these disks on different types of storage.

For example, if your machine is a database server, you may wish to place the OS disk on SAS disks and the database disk on SSD disks.

To do this, click "DETAILS" on the desired virtual machine, then click the "Hardware" tab next to the desired disk type.

It is possible that only one disk type is available, for example, you can select only "vcd-type-med". In such a case, contact technical support to get additional storages of another type to your virtual data center.

After clicking "OK" the disk type will change and the migration of the virtual machine to the new storage will start, with no impact on the performance of the machine. There is no need to switch off or suspend the virtual machine, as the migration is performed in the "live mode".


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