Recommended types of adapters / controllers in the CLOUD4U cloud

Network Adapters

When creating a VM, you have the option of selecting different adapters:

  •          E1000E
  •         E1000
  •          VMXNET3

E1000E is added by default when adding an interface and is the most likely not recommended adapter, this controller is no longer supported in Windows starting with Win8.x, Windows 2012 and above. There may be various network issues with this adapter. Please refer to the articles for more details:

VMXNET 3 - Paravirtual provides better performance and is RECOMMENDED. See the comparative performance test at

If you are using an E1000/E1000e adapter to replace the adapter in your virtual machine, follow these steps

Connect to the Cloud Control Panel, go to

Virtual Machines > Actions > Power Off

Select the required VM > DETAILS > Hardware > NICs

Remove the adapter from the E1000...

Add a new one with VMXNET 3 or the same IP address if using Static - Manual or get a new one from Static - IP Pool

Next, make sure that the Guest OS customisation is installed correctly, pay particular attention to the Change SID option, for more details see How to determine the Administrator password on the deployed from the VM template?

Power on the VM and perform automatic configuration from Virtual Machines > Actions > Power On and Force Recompilation;

SCSI controllers for drives

You have the option to select different adapters:

Paravirtual (SCSI)

LSI Logic Parallel (SCSI)



Paravirtual (SCSI) provides better performance for certain hypervisor configurations and very fast storage, but the LSI Logic SAS controller is the most supported device in guest operating systems and provides comparable performance in many storage policies. Therefore, we recommend that you use the LSI Logic SAS controller.

Please refer to the articles for more details: 

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