Installing Dr.Web anti-virus in CentOS 7 OS

Personal installation package includes a set of parameters for connecting and authorizing the station on the Dr.Web Server. To obtain the distributive, please contact technical support via the ticket system.

To connect to the Dr.Web Server in the Cloud4Y cloud, add a network card connected to the drweb_network to the protected virtual machine. To do this, also contact technical support via the ticket system. Previously installed antivirus products (if they were installed) must be removed.

All operations are performed under the root account.

The first stage is OS preparation.

Log in to the OS.

To do this, enter a user name (root) and a password.

In CentOS 7, you must first disable SELINUX. To do this you need to specify: SELINUX=disabled in the file located in /etc/selinux/config path.

Enter "nano /etc/selinux/config" in the console as shown in the figure below.

In the opened editor, change the SELINUX value to disabled, as shown in the figure below.

After changing the value, press the key combination "Ctrl+x" to exit the editor. A dialog box will appear at the bottom of the screen, requesting if you want to save the changes, it is shown below.

Press "Y" and "Enter" to save changes. The editor will then request whether we want to save the changes to the same file or to a file with a different name.

Do not change anything and press "Enter". As a result you will see the information about the recorded lines and when you exit the editor you will get to the console.

After making the changes, you need to reboot the OS. To do this, enter the command "reboot" in the console and press "Enter". As a result, the OS will reboot.

After rebooting, log in to the OS again. Now you need to install the additional libraries using the command "yum -y install glibc.i686".

Wait until the library download and installation is complete. You will be informed about it by the message "Complete!" and returning to the console.

After installing the libraries, you need to copy the previously obtained distributive to the machine. If the distributive is located on a network resource, it can be done with the "wget" command by specifying the corresponding network path. In the example below, the distributive named "" is on the FTP server. The example of the command looks like this:

After that, wait for the distribution to load. When the download is finished, you will see a message as shown below.

By default, wget uploads the file to a custom folder. Check the availability of the downloaded distributive with the command "ls".

Make the obtained distributive executable with the command "chmod". In the same folder, perform the command "chmod +x". If your distributive has a different name or is on a different path, the command should look like "chmod +x file path".

Once the distributive file is executable, launch the antivirus installation.


Answer " YES" (in capital letters) to the first question from the installer.

Then read and agree to the license agreement. At the end of the document in the dialog box, type "yes" and click "enter".

Wait until the installation is complete and restart the OS with the "reboot" command again.

This is the end of the installation process.


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